November 8, 2023

Our Software Maintenance Activities

Introduction Software is a vital component of modern life, serving countless purposes across various industries. As software systems become increasingly complex and integral to our daily routines, it’s crucial to ensure their longevity and reliability. This is where software maintenance comes into play. In this article, we will delve into the various categories of software […]

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November 3, 2023

Choosing the Right Team Augmentation Model

Introduction Businesses often find themselves in need of specialised expertise to drive their projects to success. This is where team augmentation comes into play. Team augmentation is a strategic approach that allows organisations to extend their in-house capabilities by bringing in external talent or teams. However, choosing the right team augmentation model is crucial for […]

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October 31, 2023

The core principles of User-Centered Design

Introduction In today’s digital age, user-centered design has become an integral part of creating successful and enjoyable user experiences. Whether you’re designing a website, a mobile app, or any digital product, the principles of user-centered design play a pivotal role in ensuring that your users not only navigate your interface with ease but also enjoy […]

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October 26, 2023

Keys for Successful Bespoke Software Development

Introduction In a world where businesses are striving to stand out and meet unique operational needs, bespoke software development has become a vital tool. Bespoke software, also known as custom-built software, offers tailored solutions that can address specific requirements and challenges that off-the-shelf software simply cannot. Whether it’s enhancing efficiency, improving customer experiences, or streamlining […]

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October 23, 2023

Our Tools and Technologies for Development

Introduction In the ever-evolving landscape of Information Technology, staying at the forefront of technological advancements is not just a choice – it’s a necessity. At InStandart, we take pride in our commitment to excellence and our relentless pursuit of innovation. This article offers a glimpse into our tools and technologies for development and delivering cutting-edge […]

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October 18, 2023

Navigating the Challenges of Remote Team Augmentation

Introduction In today’s dynamic business landscape, the concept of remote team augmentation has gained significant traction. As organisations seek to harness the power of global talent and expand their capabilities without the overhead of traditional hiring, team augmentation services have become indispensable. This approach allows businesses to tap into a vast pool of professionals around […]

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October 13, 2023

Our Client-Centric Approach

Introduction Every business has its unique set of challenges, objectives, and requirements. At InStandart, we understand that delivering pre-packaged, off-the-shelf solutions simply won’t cut it. That’s why we take a client-centric approach, customising our solutions to meet the individual needs of our clients. In this article, we delve into the core of our client-centric philosophy […]

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October 10, 2023

User-Centric Design in Bespoke Software

Introduction In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, user-centric design has emerged as a paramount principle. Whether you’re crafting an app, website, or bespoke software, the significance of User Experience (UX) and User Interface (UI) design cannot be overstated. In this article, we delve into the world of bespoke software development, exploring the pivotal role […]

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October 5, 2023

Introduction to QA Testing: Ensuring Software Excellence

Introduction Ensuring the delivery of high-quality products has become paramount. Among the array of testing methodologies, one stands out for its effectiveness in identifying and resolving issues: QA testing, or Quality Assurance testing. In this article, we’ll provide an overview of what QA testing is, why it’s essential for delivering high-quality software products, and delve […]

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October 3, 2023

Team Augmentation vs. Traditional Hiring

Introduction Organisations constantly face the challenge of finding the right talent to meet their evolving needs. Traditional hiring has long been the standard approach for building and expanding teams, but in recent years, team augmentation has gained popularity as a flexible alternative. This article aims to provide a comprehensive comparison between team augmentation and traditional […]

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