
1. Introduction

At InStandart, we are committed to adhering to all employment laws, ensuring equality of opportunity for all who work for us and equal treatment of all our stakeholders our customers and suppliers in terms of employment and access to services; and to provide guidance on anti-discriminatory practice. This policy is non-contractual.

2. General Principles

The policy applies to employees directly employed by InStandart, to workers employed via agencies, contractors in terms of employment, trustees, and customers in terms of service provision.

We recognise and value the diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives that each stakeholder brings to the table. Our commitment to equality and diversity extends to all aspects of employment, including recruitment, hiring, training, promotions, compensation, and benefits.

Discrimination or harassment based on race, gender, sexual orientation, religion, age, disability, or any other protected characteristic in all business relationships is strictly prohibited and will not be tolerated.

3. Privacy

As responsible information stewards, InStandart recognises the importance of privacy and security in an individual’s life, including data privacy, consistent with article 12 in the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights.

4. Responsibilities

We value our people and expect them to be treated in a respectful manner. Accordingly, all have a responsibility to treat others with dignity and respect. The Chief Executive Officer is responsible for providing advice and guidance on equality and diversity issues, and to ensure the Policy document is kept up to date.

5. Human Rights

We uphold the fundamental human rights of all individuals, both within our organisation and in our interactions with external stakeholders. We are committed to respecting the rights outlined in international conventions, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and will not engage in activities that compromise these rights.

6. Labour Standards

We adhere to recognised labour standards and laws in all locations where we operate. This includes but is not limited to fair wages, reasonable working hours, and safe working conditions. Child labour and forced labour are strictly prohibited.

7. Recruitment and Promotion

Our recruitment and promotion processes are designed to be fair, transparent, and based solely on merit. We actively seek to attract a diverse pool of candidates and provide equal opportunities for all, regardless of their background or characteristics.
Promotions are based on skills, qualifications, and demonstrated capabilities, ensuring that all employees have a chance to excel.

8. Diversity and Inclusion

At InStandart, we recognise that our ability to provide exceptional information services requires the best talent. Our diversity and inclusion efforts with our employees expand globally through a multipronged approach focused on recruitment, development, engagement, and outreach.

9. Training and Development

All employees are expected to comply with this Human Rights and Labor Policy. In furtherance of this, managers and employees receive written policies and/or training on a number of human rights and labour related issues which may include equal employment opportunity, anti-harassment, Code of Business Conduct compliance, anti-corruption, and privacy. Furthermore, employees benefit from career growth training and career development advisors.

We invest in training and development programs that promote inclusivity, diversity awareness, and respect among our employees. These programs aim to raise awareness about unconscious bias, promote cultural competence, and provide tools to create an inclusive work environment.

10. Reporting and Resolution of Concerns

We encourage employees to promptly report any incidents of discrimination, harassment, or unethical behaviour. We provide multiple channels for reporting, and all concerns will be treated seriously and investigated in a confidential and timely manner. There will be no retaliation against those who report incidents in good faith.

11. Responsibility and Accountability

All employees, including management, are responsible for upholding and promoting the principles outlined in this policy. Management is accountable for integrating equality, diversity, human rights, and labour standards into business operations and decision-making processes.

12. Continuous Improvement

We are committed to continuously improving our efforts in promoting equality, diversity, human rights, and labour standards. We will review and update this policy as needed to ensure its effectiveness and relevance.

14. Training

The Chief Executive Officer will ensure that all new employees will receive copies of this policy and are fully aware of their role to comply.

15. Review

Management team shall regularly monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of this policy in achieving the stated aims. This process shall be undertaken at least annually, shall include the review of each component of the policy, and shall aim to seek the views of organisations representing the interests of those groups referred to in this policy.

16. Complaints and Sanctions

We will treat seriously any complaints of unlawful discrimination on any of the stated grounds made by employees, clients or other third parties and will take action where appropriate.

17. Conclusion

By adhering to this Equality, Diversity, Human Rights, and Labour Standards Policy, we affirm our commitment to creating a workplace that is inclusive, respectful, and ethical. This policy guides our interactions, decisions, and practices as we work collectively to build a stronger, more diverse, and unified organisation.

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