#ui/ux #mobile_design #app_design

Project description

The project aimed to create an intuitive and visually appealing UI/UX design for an online store specialising in indoor and garden plants. The app caters to both private sellers and large suppliers, offering users a seamless shopping experience.

Project summary

Designer Konstantin Pimenov
Business goal:
to develop a design for mobile app that will contain a range of features
Mobile App design, Graphic design
Applied technologies:

Business Challenge

The primary challenge for Soft Green was to develop a mobile application design that effectively showcased a wide range of plants while providing a user-friendly experience for both buyers and sellers. With the increasing popularity of online plant shopping, the app needed to stand out in a competitive market by offering intuitive navigation, comprehensive product information, and seamless transaction processes.


The project adopted a strategic approach to UI/UX design that focused on enhancing usability, functionality, and visual appeal. The design process began with comprehensive research to understand user preferences, behaviours, and pain points in the context of online plant shopping. This informed the development of user personas and journey maps to guide the design process.

Mobile app map, UI/UX, UI/UX design, mobile design, app design, graphic design

Hints were incorporated into the interface to assist users in navigating the app and maximising its functionality.

Hints, UI/UX, UI/UX design, mobile design, app design, graphic design

Registration, UI/UX, UI/UX design, mobile design, app design, graphic design

Typography played a crucial role in maintaining visual consistency and readability across the app, with Gilroy and Sf UI Display fonts selected for their versatility and aesthetic appeal. 

Fonts, UI/UX, UI/UX design, mobile design, app design, graphic design

The main menu featured priority ads and new products, providing users with quick access to featured items.

Main menu, UI/UX, UI/UX design, mobile design, app design, graphic design

Handy filters were integrated to streamline product search and selection, while detailed product descriptions helped users make informed purchasing decisions.

Filtres, UI/UX, UI/UX design, mobile design, app design, graphic design

Delivered results

The project successfully addressed the business challenge by delivering a user-friendly and visually appealing platform for online plant shopping. Key outcomes of the project included:

  • Enhanced user experience: The intuitive interface, comprehensive product information, and seamless transaction processes contributed to an improved overall user experience, resulting in increased user satisfaction and engagement.
  • Streamlined navigation: The incorporation of hints, standard authorization form, and user statuses provided users with a seamless and secure navigation experience, facilitating easy access to desired features and functionalities.
  • Competitive differentiation: Soft Green differentiated itself in the competitive online plant market by offering a visually appealing and feature-rich mobile application that catered to the diverse needs of both buyers and sellers, setting it apart from competitors.

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